
Tool that changes special ID3 tags (like movements) for different music formats so mp3 players can display the songs in correct order.

View the Project on GitHub fubel/lepyrello


lepyrello is a Python script that converts audio files with ID3-movement-tag (TPOS) into audio files using ID3-track-number-tag (TRCK) only. It also numbers the audio filenames in correct order. I did this because my mp3-player does not know the TPOS-tag and therefore messes up classical music album trackings on a regular basis.

I keep adding new ways of sorting. This will become my own little id3-manipulator ;)


You need Python 3.4+ to execute the script.

git clone git@github.com:fubel/lepyrello.git
pip install mutagen


To execute the tpos-to-trck converter (see below what it does), execute

python lepyrello.py -ttt -d /your/music/directory/


Let a record of 'Don Giovanni' be located in /home/music/giovanni/ with the following files:

Overture.mp3 1 1
Notte e giorno faticar.mp3 2 1
Leporello, ove sei.mp3 3 1
Ma qual mai s'offre.mp3 4 1
... ... ...
Eh via, buffone.mp3 1 2
... ... ...
Ah! pieta, signorie miei.mp3 13 2

The command

python lepyrello.py -ttt -d /home/music/giovanni/

will convert this to

01-Overture.mp3 1 1
02-Notte e giorno faticar.mp3 2 1
03-Leporello, ove sei.mp3 3 1
04-Ma qual mai s'offre.mp3 4 1
... ... ...
19-Eh via, buffone.mp3 19 1
... ... ...
32-Ah! pieta, signorie miei.mp3 32 1

so the first track of TPOS 2 is now the next track of the last track of TPOS 1 and so on...